As per request, I have posted a number of pictures below. They are in reverse chronological order, although that doesn't really matter.
Christmas is coming! So in our house we have a molded plastic picture of Saint Nicholas and his cows.

My house! The new house is to the left, and you can just see the abuela sitting on the porch. The old house is to the right of the new, and two more houses are hidden behind the two mango trees at the right of the picture. The mango trees are starting to flower, and I'm told they are very fruitful trees!

The road outside my house. The burning garbage pile is a frequent sight, as garbage disposal services are not present in La Campa.

A tour of an integrated farm, showing the visitors from a neighbouring village admiring the fish pond.

120 chickens create a lot of noise and a huge smell! This was part of a chicken distribution day: each family got 20 hens and 1 rooster.

CASM colleagues, high school interns and a few children celebrating the successful graduation of the interns and my birthday. Luckily, they didn't push my face in the cake as per tradition!

Welcome to La Campa!

Aerial view of La Campa. My house can just barely be seen at the left of the picture. It is the most upper-left house, nearly blocked by the tree. The CASM office is just off the right hand side of the photo.

One view of my room.

Another view of my room.

A view of the gorge from my room one October afternoon.
The view from your window is so beautiful! :D You are going to bring back lots of pictures right?!