Let me take advantage of the good internet connection to post some pictures from the trip Lexie and I took to Guatemala.
On our first full day in Guatemala, Lexie and I climbed this volcano, Pacaya. It is active (you can see steam coming out of the top).
Antigua, Guatemala has many churches. This is La Merced, which was beautiful. I hope you can see the intricate white painting which highlights the carved patterns. The church is flying a purple flag for Lent.
Antigua has suffered numerous earthquakes, so there are also many churches in ruins. Here I am standing next to parts of the ceiling. The rubble raised the floor level at least 2 meters above where it used to be.
We spent a few days in Panajachel, on the Lago de Atitlan. There are many towns on the lake, and regular boats connect them. We took a boat to Santiago de Atitlan, on the far side of the lake.
Guatemala is known for its beautiful fabrics. The markets in Santiago were amazing. This is the tourist market. We also went to the local market, where we were able to purchase fabric that hadn't already been made into something. The bargaining was interesting, as the vendors talked to each other in a Mayan language, Lexie and I conversed in English, and the bargaining was in Spanish.
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